Rally Lighting A
-(4) High output LED moving lights
-(4) 5’ truss pillars
*Day before set up add 50% of rally price
-(4) High output LED moving lights
-(4) 5’ truss pillars
*Day before set up add 50% of rally price
-(6) High output LED moving lights
-(6) LED Par cans
-(6) 5’ truss pillars
*Day before set up add 50% of rally price
-(8) High output LED moving lights
-(8) LED Par cans
-(4) 5’ truss pillars
-(4) 8’ truss pillars
*Day before set up add 50% of rally price
Sound system includes:
-(4) 15” two-way speakers
-CD and iPod playback
-(2) wireless mics
-(1) sound operator
*Day before set up add 50% of rally price
Upgraded sound system includes:
-(2) dual 15” two-way speakers and two subwoofers
-(2) satellite speakers
-CD and iPod playback
-(3) wireless mics
-(1) sound operator
*Day before set up add 50% of rally price
Upgraded sound system includes:
-Full line array set up
-CD and iPod playback
-Up to 4 wireless mics
-(1) sound operator
-(1) assistant
*Day before set up add 50% of rally price
-(8) LED panel blacklights
-(4) truss pillars
*Day before set up add 50% of rally price
-(16) LED blacklights
-(4) truss pillars
*Day before set up add 50% of rally price
-(24) LED blacklights
-(6) truss pillars
*Day before set up add 50% of rally price